Search addresses & postcodes

Use our service to find or validate any swedish street address, postal code or locality

The service is free of charge for a limited number of searches per day. For those of you who use the service frequently at work, contact us and we will set up your own account with login.

Search among Swedish postal addresses, post codes and localities. Here you will find up-to-date address information - always the right address.

Enter a complete address that you want to check or enter parts of an address, e.g. postcode, to see matching addresses.


We also offer complementary services via our sister company Geposit, the Nordic region's leading platform for geodata.


Valid API

Valid - An online service for validating Nordic address and postcode information

Atlas map service

The optimal mapping tool for anyone working with sales district, zoning and selection areas in the Nordics.

Reference data

Order data files with Nordic addresses, postal codes, GIS-data etc.