Addresses and postcodes

Where do I find postcodes and addresses in Sweden?

Postnummerservice provide a number of services and solutions related to postcodes and addresses. For the public, we offer an address finder, a service to lookup updated postcodes and addresses, in Sweden

Address lookup


What is postort in Sweden?

Postort in Swedish means locality, the city name used in an address when sending mail and parcels. There are roughly 17 000 localities in Sweden.


How to address your mail to Sweden

The address should be placed in the lower right part of the envelope.

A Swedish address for mail usually consists of three or four lines.







PO Box indicator: Box


You do not need to write the country in the destination address when sending letters within Sweden. When sending international letters, you need to write the name of the country, in Swedish or English, at the bottom of the address, under the postcode and the town. It is also good to write the sender’s address on the back of the letter.


A search function for postcodes and addresses in Sweden:

Search Swedish postcodes and addresses


Franking and stamps

Stamps should be placed in the top right corner of the envelope.